Anzani Restaurant
Anzani Restaurant
Anzani Restaurant

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Anzani Restuarant New Mediterranean Cuisine Since 2009, ANZANI New Mediterranean Cuisine brings culinary innovation in a spectacular and unique dining setting in Cebu, Philippines. Five time awardee as “best of the best”and “Cebu’s best” on the international sector for two straight years, Chef Marco Anzani prepares New Mediterranean Cuisine to a different palate. ANZANI received international recognition as the “Best Restaurant in Southeast Asia” by the IATHR in Madrid Spain 2011. Recently being tapped to represent Southeast Asia, he will collaborate in the upcoming Hawaii Food & Wine festival on September 2012 and team with Nobu, Ming Tsai, Roy’sYamaguchi, Tetsuya Wakuda, IronChef Masaharu Morimoto and other masterchef’s in the industry. We would like you to Come join us September 6-8 in Hawaii) Click here for more details. Nominated for the Southeast Asia Michelin for 2013, Anzani pursues excellence and will continue to showcase to the world New Mediterranean Cuisine to a different art. ANZANI is only found in Cebu, Philippines. Sourcing local Philippine and imported ingredients around the world, Chef Marco has created a wide array of gourmet dishes, combining fresh ingredients, textures and flavours that result in full flavours, a clean palate and bring the perfect balance to the tastebuds. His 28 years of experience and working alongside Michelin star chef’s contributed greatly resulting in a beautiful New Mediterranean gastronomic transformation. The constant attention to detail and our pursuit of excellence is what sets ANZANI apart from the rest. Page is Strategized and Managed by: Mobile Adder
